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UX Design

Inclusive Research

Digital Accessibility

As a UX Designer with a focus on inclusion and accessibility, I am passionate about creating products and experiences that are accessible and usable for everyone. With a background in community-based development and human-centred design, I bring a deep understanding of user needs and behaviours to my work.

Like this vector art? You'll be able to view more of my creations soon...

Case Studies

As an Inclusive Design Researcher and Digital Accessibility Consultant, I've encountered unique challenges that required creative solutions. View my case studies below to see my research capabilities and visual design style.

To gain access to password-protected case studies, please email me at

View the case study here

This is where it all began! Take a trip back in time to my very first UX Case Study. is a job search website that was missing an accompanying mobile app. This was my attempt to design a solution.

View the Canteen Connect case study here

Our team undertook comprehensive accessibility and usability testing on Canteen Connect's online platform. This study involved five participants, some of them under 18, with a variety of disabilities. Usability and design recommendations were made and some examples can be viewed in the case study.

Please note this case study is password protected.

View the Department of Agriculture case study here

This study focused on testing the componentry and form flow logic with participants with disabilities. I facilitated and overcame some challenges that occurred during the five sessions. Usability and design recommendations were also made and can be found within.

​Please note this case study is password protected.

About me

About me

My name is Jacinta Gregory

I enjoy advocating for accessible visual design that still looks great, but that's not all I like to do.


I'm also passionate about sustainable community development, advancing equal access to education and promoting awareness of reproductive health and well-being.

My hobbies are ever-changing as I tend to follow what interests me, even if that's just for a few weeks. I've embarked on team and solo sports (basketball, boxing, a half-marathon), creative pursuits (digital art, cake decorating, needlepoint) and video games.


My professional and personal life is dictated by my curiosity and drive to always be learning. This is evidenced by my podcast listening habits and tendency to disappear down rabbit holes. 

Jacinta standing in front of a window
My cat and dog resting next to each other in their beds.
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